Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Today We Ride!!

The boys felt like there wasn't enough excitement in their lives so they formed a biker gang.  The first thing they did as a gang is have their mommy drive them to the park.  Then they rode the bikes to the pizza place and parked them outside as a warning sign for other biker gangs (and hippies...hippies hate biker gangs).

After a delicious meal, and after Rock yelled across the restaurant that he had a massive poop in the toilet, they mounted the bikes and headed back to the park.  Look at that motley crue.
 Ryker is such a mean biker that he doesn't even use the peddles.
 "We ride!"
Even though they are mean bikers they still know the importance of safety.  Always use the flag to cross the street.
 Rock loves grabbing the flag, carrying it across the street while riding and then putting it away himself.
 Ryker probably likes those things too, but his mommy got tired of waiting the hour and a half that he was taking to do them.
"No, I don't want to wait for you.  I'm outta here!"
 Meanwhile, Ryker and Mommy continued on their own adorable pace.
 "Hey guys, I made it!"
Rock loves the half pipe and loves showing off his sweet skills.
After he got acquanted with the half pipe he got on his bike to show people how it is done.
Chicks dig the big air.  It's all about the big air.  
Lil' Ryker is always copying his big brother, but I don't think any of us expected him to catch on this quickly! 

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