Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Second Day of School=First Day On Da Bus

Ultimately this post is about Rocko's first day of riding the bus.  But look how cute Jensley is with the flower in her hair.  The boys love it when girls wear flowers in their hair and they love Jensley so this just put them over the top.
I don't think she hated it, but I don't know that she loved it.
Guess what Rock wanted to wear this morning!  This:
We had to convince him that it would be hard for the other kids to learn with SuperRockoman there.  He finally relented and took off the helmet and Mickey Mouse hooded towel.
Rock wanted to make sure and get out for the bus plenty early.  He was excited.
Ryker was excited, too.  But he didn't quite get why Rock was leaving and he was staying here.
But he still had a big smile.
Rock has been all smiles for the past few days.  Hopefully that lasts into high school.
"I know, I know.  No spitballs, slingshots or BB guns on the bus.  I get it."
Sometimes the boys are cuddly and sometimes they are fighting.  At least this morning was a cuddle morning.

You can tell when Ryker isn't sure about something when he puts his hands behind his back.  This is how he was all morning.
More smiles.
It sure did help that the bus driver was Papa Dale!  Rock climbed right on, gave him a high five and then found the prettiest girl and gave her a big kiss.  The boy knows what he is doing.
Notice Ryker's head.  He didn't understand why Papa Dale took Rock but told Ryker that he couldn't come along.  Right now Ryker is eating ice cream for breakfast and watching Diego, so I think he'll be just fine.


  1. Poor Ryker! The kids are still adorable as ever!

  2. Ryker will party in Wenatchee tomorrow without his big brother, hope that makes him feel better.

  3. I love all the cute pictures. Next time life isn't fair, I am going to have ice cream for breakfast, too!
