Wednesday, October 9, 2019

On the Catwalk, House Stuff, First Day of School, and Football!

 They put up our living room catwalk! That is a big deal, because I think the only reason that DeA wanted to build this house was the catwalk. 

 Rock really wanted to get up and walk on it. 
The boys don't quit, and they found a ladder and got themselves up on the catwalk.
 DeA was not super happy that they were up there, but she did keep asking them to describe what work had been done up there.
Ryker finally wised up and took the phone to take pictures for her.
She wasn't happy with Ryker's photography skills. She finally climbed up herself to see the progress.
We took an important trip to Wenatchee to look for house stuff. The boys found the massaging recliners for the living room. They each cost more than my first car. 

 We stopped at an old fashioned soda fountain. DeA was surprised that I knew about it. She wasn't happy when I explained that a date had brought me here when I was in high school. Now she never wants to go back to that stupid place. 

Here's Ryker with a dot of milkshake on his nose. 
 Jens' hot fudge sundae was pretty special. 
 Rock was dressed to impress. 
 Jens loves sitting in front of the new windows and watching the sunsets. 
  I love sitting and staring at DeA.
 DeA called me all excited because the roof trusses were delivered...but they were delivered to the house where we live now. The one that's already built. The one that has a roof. Eventually everyone figure out where to go and we watched them get unloaded. 
  They do cool mud bog races above Singleton Park. The kids were pretty impressed with the dirty trucks. 

 Here is the #7 England Chiropractic truck with Alan. It got really dirty. 

 Little football has begun. DeA hates it because it takes up all our time, but soon these little guys will be too old and we will miss it. At least that's what people tell me. 

 Roof trusses! 
 I think the builder realized that we had been climbing up on the catwalk, so they installed temporary (at least I hope) railings. 
 The kids were super stoked for the first day of school. DeA was even more excited. You can't see her because she was in the house crying from joy for the quiet and alone time that awaited her. 
 Leo finally figure out how to get into the house, and DeA goes and leaves him for the outside. Poor guy can't catch a break. 
 Jens is a stylin' machine. 

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