Thursday, September 3, 2020

Queggsadilla and cousins. Lots of cousins

Ryker learned a food idea and showed it off at Grandma and Grandpa's. He scrambles an egg, and when it is about half done cooking he puts a tortilla over it and marries them together. Then he flips it over and adds topping like cheese, bacon, and sausage. Bam! A queggsadilla.
The lake is still pretty cold, but that didn't stop the kids and MAX! from going swimming. I even got in for a minute and that was plenty.
The two Leos
The kids wanted to ride Manson Grower's new Isuzu jeep before it got delivered to the orchard. Leo doesn't like getting left behind.
It's amazing what kids decide to play with instead of the toys that Grandma bought them.
We put miles and miles on the Tracker.

Even Brandoni came for a ride.
I don't think we could've packed another kid in there.
A nice, relaxing breakfast.
Ryker learned how to drive the Tracker (that's a stick shift!) through the orchard.
Brandoni likes to sit and stare in the morning.
I was on my way home from work when I got a call that Juliana's pigs had escaped. I showed up and tried to wrangle them back home. They didn't like me.
Let's all get wet!
Ryker tried to teach his ice cream skills to the cousin.

Slidewaters was open for about a month, but it was the month that everyone was here. Of course the kids loved it.

Well, they loved it for the first hour or so, then they started wearing down.

They hit the snacks pretty hard.
Leo is pretty popular with the kids. He always likes attention, but the kids might have been giving him a little too much attention.

Mom and Dad wanted a picture with all the grandkids, it went about how you would expect even with all the helpers.

They sang a primary song for home church. They were really excited to sing.
Here's a thing about Leo, he's cute but he's mischievous. He liked pushing poor Brandoni when parents weren't looking.
He also did this. I don't know what this it all about.
Hadley liked the puddles, too.
It's so nice to be together. 
"Bubble Guppies, you're the ones...
that make bath time lots of fun! 
Bubble Guppies I'm awfully fond of yyoooouuuu!!!" 
"Uncle Aaron, that's not how the song goes!"
We spent an afternoon at the Stutzmans and tried out the paddle boards that Dad picked up from the side of the road that have cup holders drilled into them.
Leo found the Cheetos.

Ryker had to show off his queggsadilla to the entire family. I don't think he ever ate one, but he liked making them.
DeA had to run to the store, so we took the Tracker and Leo. Leo didn't give us a choice, he jumped in the back without being asked and mumbled something getting away from the little kids.
Hey, that's not your seat, buddy.
Stewie wanted to go golfing, so Javi, Ryker and I went out one morning. Stewie's clubs might have been a little short.

Ryker loves golfing. He loved the two Gatorades and the burger wrap (yeah, you read that correctly. He ordered a burger wrap) at the turn and the Powerade
He almost made it over the canyon.
Baby Cami!
Brandoni fell and cried. Ice cream is the best healer. 


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