Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dear Cougarette Scoresby:

Hey babe, how you doin'? I, Rock England, would like to make my intentions for you known to everybody. See you soon!

By the way, the screen is Ben and Shannon's ultra-sound. So it isn't the best video, but its only because he can't get to the screen without hitting the back button. It's because he is so excited, but you get the idea.


  1. Hahaha, cute you guys. Very cute. (And I'll pretend he's hitting the computer out of excitement, not her. :P)

  2. Hi, I hate to intrude on your adorable son's blog, but I am looking for a missing half sister. My name is Wendy and am from the Seattle area. I have another sister named Kim. I do not have any support in finding my sister Deandra. All I have is a vague memory from when I met her at 13(she was 10 or 11). If this is you and you want to be found, my email address is If not again I am sorry I won't bother you again.
    Sincerely, Wendy
