Monday, June 8, 2009

My Face!! My Beautiful Face!!

As some of you may have heard, Rock got into a scuffle with the floor. This caused him to have some tooth problems that affected his male modeling career. Seems that the modeling agencies don't like guys with snaggled-tooth smiles. We spent the morning at two different dentist offices only to end up at an oral surgeon. They wrapped him in a blanket and then had two dental assistants wrestled him down to the table. He wants me to point out that they never actually got both shoulders down, so his pinless streak stays intact. After they cut out what was left of his tooth I picked him up and let him rest his head on my shoulder. The DAs didn't want him to get my shirt all bloody, so they laid down some paper towels. He grabbed the first paper towel and stared down the DAs, then threw the towel onto the ground. Then he grabbed the second towel, stared down the quack surgeon and then threw the second towel down. I don't think he likes that office very much right now. Here is what Cletus looks like now without his precious tooth.
You'll notice the fat lip that he gave himself while numb. He really liked gnawing on it while the novacaine was doing its thing, but wasn't to pleasant when it wore off.
He's not too happy that people are focusing on the injuries that the floor gave him, while ignoring what he did to the floor. He snapped a picture of the injuries that the floor suffered due to his fighting tactics. Pretty substantial.When we got back to the house he wasn't sure that he still trusted his old man, so he hung out with someone that wouldn't betray him.

I felt bad that he was grouchy, so I let him do his sprinkler dance on the couch.
Since he was a good little trooper we let him indulge in some yummy Whitey's. The surgeon gave him this cute little prescription for an ice cream cone, and its important to follow doctor's orders, just like the end of this. I tried to see if he trusted me again...
I guess he does, unless he poisoned it.

He is still acting like it is a little tender, but the ice cream sure seemed to work wonders for him. I'm not sure it helped strengthen the remaining chompers, but he didn't mind.


  1. His modeling career is still doable if he works down south...may need to loose another tooth to fit in down there tho. He is still cute and a keeper. Gpa DE

  2. "Well, maybe there's more to life than being really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking."

  3. that exactly what i was thinking nick. lol -whit

  4. I don't know what you are talking about!. That kid could have no teeth and still be the best looking kid around!
