Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Golfing Feat!!

This is my trusty Titleist #3 golf ball. It was given to me by Whitni for my birthday this past May. On September 14, 2009, the Monday after part 3 boards, I went golfing with three other guys. After playing the front nine and buying a sandwich, we were set to tee off for the back nine. I pulled out this precious #3, teed him up...
and looked down the tenth fairway.
Well, we played the nine blessed holes on the back. As I looked down to retrieve my ball from the 18th cup I realized that I was still using ol' #3. I thought back and realized that I played the whole back nine of a championship course with the same ball! I was pretty stoked about that. Anyways, I know that you don't care so here's Rock eating a banana.

He doesn't just eat bananas, he talks banana too.

Lately he's been boogying down whenever he hears music playing. It doesn't matter if it's TV, radio, cellphones or DeA singing. He's got moves just like his mommy.


  1. Great story about the golf ball...but you are right, it is all about Rock. Great moves.GpaDE

  2. Wahoo! Good job on the golfing! I can't even make it through miniature golf without using about five or six golf balls :) And of course Rock is as cute as ever...

  3. I'm proud of you Aaron. I don't really know what that means, except Rock can now play with more of your balls if you don't need them. Was there music while he was dancing or was he creating his own beat?
