Sunday, December 9, 2012

Boy Party!

DeA and Jens have spent the past few days down in Medford for Grandpa Hugh's funeral.  Mama Rae, Papa Dale and Lindsea all helped take care of the boys during the day and at night we had what the boys kept calling a 'boy party'.  Saturday we started the boy part right with some biscuits and gravy.

 Then I took the boys down to Wapato Point from some ice skating (sidenote: Sister Toolson - they told us we had to be guests, so I told them we were your friends to rent the skates.  We paid for them and everything, but hopefully you don't consider that a stretch of our current social status.  Thank you!).  Little Cosmo was a lot better at skating than I thought he was.
 There were other kids there that were six and five and he was skating circles around them (literally.  The kids were standing there and Rock skated around them asking if they knew what they were doing.
 Ryker got really grumpy when we got there and didn't want to leave the car.  Sometimes he is like that, so I didn't think much of it.
 Meanwhile, Cosmo kept dominating the ice.
 Even when he fell he looked athletic and surprisingly talented for a four-year-old. 
 After skating we hit Green Dot and split mac and cheese, a sandwich and ice cream.  The boys act like they own that place.
 When we got home Ryker started cuddling with me and acting tired.  He fell asleep and then I realized that he was warm.  He slept for about three hours and still woke up with a fever.  I guess the boy party was just too much for him to handle.
 Rock kept partying and playing.  
 Rock had been getting over a cold the past few days and both lil' guys wanted to cuddle.  So we stole some wood from Papa Dale's pile and got a roaring blaze going.  Rock thought that with a mask I'd let him play in the fire.  He's smiling because he can't hear me say no.
 It was a pretty cozy fire and a good end to the boy party.
 They both slept through the night (mostly, Ryker had some coughing fits that woke him up) but they seemed to really like the 'fire bed'.


  1. That is living. Sometimes they have too much fun.

  2. We are happy to claim you as friends :) It looks like a fun day. At my house, "boy party" means watching endless sports and eating in the living room while mom's not around to see ... they do agree on the sleeping in front of the fire part!
