Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Day!!!

Santa came and it was wonderful!!  The boys could hardly believe their haul!
Of course the jump house was the hit.  I've never seen parents have to ask their kids to open more presents, but they didn't want to be pulled away from their castle.
They love that thing!
Finally they realized that there were other presents under the tree and in their stockings.
It was definitely an exciting morning.
Even Jensley loved the presents!
Mommy found some pretty awesome things in her stocking, and Rock was happy to take the credit.
Eventually Jensley realized that the fire was going and that demanded her immediate attention.
Rock's primary teacher got him a framed picture of Christ.  Thank you!
The boy got some cool things, like a football uniform,
a garbage truck,
batman pamamas,
Superman shirts that were hand sewn by Mama Rae,
and lots of other fun stuff.
Rock received a SWAT outfit and spent the rest of the day putting people in handcuffs.
Ryker loves his GeoTrax mater car.
Jensley loved seeing uncle KC before he left for Utah.
Jensley received a girl Rufus.
And DeAndra received a few paintings of Christ to hang in our house.
Overall it was a pretty awesome Christmas!!

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