Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve!!

The excitement around here is reaching an all-time high.  The boys have been burning off their nerves by building wicked sweet train tracks. 
 There are already good boys, but there is something about holding Santa's visit over their head that has made them especially compliant. 
 Even so Jens isn't so sure about them.
 But they are some good boys.  Even dirty faced and all.
 So, another thing that we've been working on is helping Ryker poop in the fecal receptor and not his britches.  Well, last night he finally did it!  He was super duper excited and demanded to open an early present as celebration (which may have been the promise that someone made despite DeA's protests).
 When Jensley is protected she is a little more accepting of her brothers...
 Lil' Huddy didn't get to sit on Santa's lap so Lindsea found a stand in:

He even made a homemade sled.
 His reindeer wasn't very helpful.
 But she was very, very cute.
 She's happy because she's hiding behind the couch.
 DeA claims that she is doing Gangman style, but I told her that if that's true Santa is skipping our house.
 Santa Rock disappeared and Woody Rock took his place. 
 We spent Christmas Eve at Mama Rae's and Papa Dale's house.  We watched Good Tidings of Great Joy and Mom read a Christmas story about a train.  Santa Rock likes trains.
 Yes, we had open flames with Rock, Ryker and Huddy hanging around.  No one died so it worked out just fine.
 Ryker limped to the end and fell asleep in the car on the way home.
 The boys fell asleep pretty quick and we could play with their toys!
 Jens loved it, kind of.
 Merry Christmas Eve!!

1 comment:

  1. Christ is the reason for the season but these kids sure liven it up a whole lot.
