Friday, December 7, 2012

Rocket Ship and Christmas Tree

The other day I came home from work to a 'surprise'.  I turned out that the surprise was a giant puzzle that was supposed to end up looking like a rocket ship.  The boys were so excited about it that they couldn't wait until we finished and tried climbing all over it.
They have loved that thing and especially love having Jensley as their copilot. 
 Jensley loves being the copilot.
 "Men, this is your captain speaking.  Since this is an enclosed vessel please refrain from tooties...copy that Ryker?"
 "Tooties?  Is that why it smells like boys in here?"
 "I wouldn't know anything about tooties..."
 "OKAY!  I do know about tooties!"
 Jens loves going on the missions but sometimes she is sure that her brothers are weird. 
 Last Saturday we all loaded up in Cheeto (our escape) and convoyed up into the mountains with Jefe and Aleasha, Nate and Girl Nate and Megan and Travis.  We drove high enough to try and find snow when we finally made it.  The kids were pretty excited.
 She doesn't look it, but trust me she was excited.
 Ryker liked eating snow and did a good job of only eating white snow.  He did a much better job than Lily the dog who ate yellow and brown snow.  Then she tried to like Ryker's face and Ryker tried to lick back.  And that's why DeA tried to boil Ryker.
 Ryker picked out the tree.  He did a pretty good job.
 Jensley really liked the outdoors and smiled most of the time.
 So did her mommy.

 The kids kept themselves busy by sledding while the dads did the tree hunting.

 After her brown snow debacle Lily got put in the bed of the truck.  Look at those puppy dog eyes and tell me that you wouldn't let her go play.
 DeA wasn't in enough pictures so I tried to take one of her.  She's in Oregon right now and I can't ask her if this picture is okay to use, so I'll just assume that she'd say yes.
 The kids seemed to like being shoehorned into the backseat.  Ryker loved playing with Jensley.
 Rock wanted to take pictures from the backseat, so again I'll assume that I can use the pic that he took of DeA and me.
 When we got back to civilization we enjoyed a delicious meal of Mac and Cheese and milkshakes.
 Jens seems to love just about everything.  She is one happy girl.
 So pretty, just like her mommy.

 Ryker didn't quite make it down the mountain.  He napped really, really hard.
 When he did wake up he was his typical happy Ryker self.
 Rock immediately got into the Christmas spirit by wrapping up his toys to give to people.  He is a loving and giving little guy.
 Ryker was pretty super duper excited for the Mac and Cheese.
 Excited to the max.
 And silly to the max.  Plenty silly.

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