The little hero is doing oh-so-well lately. He's slept through the night everyday this week, which makes DeAndra happy, and that makes me very happy! DeAndra pointed out that I forgot a cute story for the blog. And since she thinks my stories aren't very funny, she wants to make sure that I get in all the cute stories we can find. We were with Steve and Kelli in Chicago and lil' Sammy (I should know for sure, but I'm guessing he's 3 or 4 years-old) asked Kelli how Rock ate. She said like his little sister Sidney, and he said "oh, under the blanket?" Then he asked why Rock's name was so cool, and Kelli said that it was because you could pound iron on his chiseled abs. Kids ask the cutest questions. Here are some videos showing how incredibly adorable Rock's little laugh is. DeAndra told me that his laugh could warm even the coldest heart, but I don't know why she was looking at me when she said it.
Yeah, I know that's not a story about Rock, but I'm putting it in here anyways. Deal with it!
Rock had a pretty good weekend. He got to go visit Jim and Jenny and their kids up in Wisconsin and he got to go to his first baseball game!! We went to Miller Park in Milwaukee and got to watch the Brewers beat the Florida Marlins on a Prince Fielder homer in the 8th. Since I am used to games in Seattle, where people are hopped up on Starbucks and sushi, I grossly underestimated the number of sobriety challenged people that would be cheering for the Beermen in a stadium named for the High Life. Lets just say that apparently the two drink "limit" was more of a minimum. Among the ethanol induced hijinx: DeAndra had a whole beer dumped on her brand new running shoes, beer poured down the side of Rock's diaper bag (so she had to find a new one for church today, since she didn't want to be in sacrament meeting smelling like the floor of a high school prom dance), a group of hispanics that kept trying to start the wave every TWO minutes but were to drunk to be understood in English or Spanish, and someone walking up the stairs almost spilling a whole beer on DeAndra while she fed Rock. So, needless to say, DeAndra isn't the biggest Brewers fan right now. But she would be a big fan of the Milwaukee Sobriety Checkpoints, if there ever was such a team. Rock put on quite a show in church today. In gospel essentials class Sister Browne was making a wonderful point about prayer when Rock decided it was time to let it fly. He let it out in three separate burst that were almost as powerful as what his mom lets out, but not quite. The best part is that after each salvo he laughed out loud and smiled all big and cute. I've never been more proud. Also in church today the Browne's made a formal offer to engage Nadia and Rock. This looks like a good move on our part, since it will add height and looks to the gene pool. I'm not sure what the Browne's are looking to get out of it, except I think they are banking a lot on the hope that Rock won't grow up to look like me. We'll let you know how negotiations pan out.
This video didn't make the other post, and I didn't want it to feel left out, so I gave it its own post. I know what you are thinking, 'geez Aaron, if you give in like that all the time then you will turn into the biggest pushover ever!'. But the thing is, it's only a video. Videos don't know what a bar of soap in a tube sock can do. By the way, in the video Rock is trying to eat his fists. Both of them. He doesn't know that milk doesn't come out of them. But he'll learn. Well, I hope he'll learn eventually, otherwise he'll be dumber than a brick when he's trying to squeeze his knuckles to put milk on his cereal.
It's been a busy week here at the homestead. Rock is still a perfect little baby, he's going to bed before 11 each night (it'd be earlier, but he says he can't sleep until he catches Leno's opening. He says it's nice to see some who actually understands comedy. I don't know what he means, but he looked at me when he said it...) and he isn't spitting up nearly as much as before. He sure can fill a diaper, and so DeAndra's pretty proud about that. I guess our biggest news is that Dr. Orie skillfully removed by sebaceous cyst that had taken hold on my scalp. Not to go into to much detail, but he had to remove a large chunk of skin and then dig out he little pesky guy. It was pretty cool. He did it straight up, no anethesia and he used a GI Joe utensil set to dig it out and then an old shoe lace to sew it up. But now it looks great, and to sew it back up he had to pull it all tight, and so I got a bonus face lift for my troubles. I was going to put some pictures of my surgery up on the blog, but DeAndra said only people with AARP cards (she said old people, but I didn't want to offend anyone) are allowed to go that far when talking about their medical procedures.
Well, it took a while, but I uploaded a couple of Rock's latest features onto the blog. I hope you enjoy the videos. He is still being a little stinker when he sees the camera, and even though we try to hide it he seems to know where it is. And I threw in a couple of pictures. The first one is with aunt Lindsea. She was teaching him the 'evil red-eye stare'. He is very coordinated. He has learned how to bring his fist up to his mouth. Unfortunately, he hasn't learned how to get anything suckable into his mouth. So we hear a lot of grunts and whines as he tries to suck on the side of his hand. And, every once in a while, he grabs onto to something and tries to get it in his mouth, but hasn't learned to position his hand to get things in, like this burp rag.
Here are just a few pictures of our favorite little super hero. He had a rough morning today, I woke up to him trying to cough up some phlegm. His only problem was that he doesn't know how to cough stuff up, so all I heard was him gagging. So we finally got all the gunk up, and ever since he has been doing awesome!! And we finally got a video of him being adorable. Lately he has been a little stinker. He'll be just incredibly adorable and then once the camera comes out he just clams up. DeAndra only wishes that trick worked on me.
We are so proud of Rock, he learned that he likes to hear himself coo and squeal. He'll just lay there and make these cute little sounds, then pause and laugh at himself. I could just sit there and listen to him for hours. But, after a while he starts to more yell then coo, and he looks like he's about to cry. So, being the SuperDad that I am, when I hear the yells I decide its time to go hide in the trunk of the car until I'm sure that DeAndra has him under control. It's been a pretty sweet plan so far, it's not as fool proof as school, but it's a close second. Check out the little guy's raging mohawk! He loves his heavy metal!!
Here are just a few pics to keep you all satisfied. The little's guy's newest trick is to laugh, smile and be completely adorable until I pull out the camera. Then he just sits there stone-faced and quiet as can be. To try and capture his awesomeness I have to try and trick him and hide the camera behind my head. So, you'll have to forgive me if some of the pictures are a little blurry. You're lucky you've got any pictures at all.
"What exactly do you mean by 'rectal thermometer?'"
Aunt Rissa took off today (well, we are pretty sure she took off. We left her at the curb and turned off the phone, so if she needed a ride to Chicago we wouldn't know!) and aunt Lindz showed up to continue the spoil-fest. DeAndra sure likes company, and not just because they watch Rock for her. She likes having a 'grown up to talk grown up stuff' around the house. I told her I was sorry that school has been so busy, and she said even when I am around we don't talk about grown up stuff. Rock watched the Mariner's game today with me. As you can tell, it wasn't pretty. He seemed to be in a better mood once I showed him some clips of BYU's spring game. He likes our chances of doing something special!!