Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The little hero is doing oh-so-well lately. He's slept through the night everyday this week, which makes DeAndra happy, and that makes me very happy!
DeAndra pointed out that I forgot a cute story for the blog. And since she thinks my stories aren't very funny, she wants to make sure that I get in all the cute stories we can find. We were with Steve and Kelli in Chicago and lil' Sammy (I should know for sure, but I'm guessing he's 3 or 4 years-old) asked Kelli how Rock ate. She said like his little sister Sidney, and he said "oh, under the blanket?" Then he asked why Rock's name was so cool, and Kelli said that it was because you could pound iron on his chiseled abs. Kids ask the cutest questions.

Here are some videos showing how incredibly adorable Rock's little laugh is. DeAndra told me that his laugh could warm even the coldest heart, but I don't know why she was looking at me when she said it.


  1. VERY cute little man Aaron!! He is adorable.

  2. Okay I want a video of what DeAndra is doing to get him so crazy with laughing!

  3. oh my goodness!!! That is adorable. Thats crazy he has such a distinct laugh so early. I love it!!!

  4. he´s so cute!!! i love looking at the blog!i´m so excited to see you guys again!
