Monday, April 21, 2008


It's been a busy week here at the homestead. Rock is still a perfect little baby, he's going to bed before 11 each night (it'd be earlier, but he says he can't sleep until he catches Leno's opening. He says it's nice to see some who actually understands comedy. I don't know what he means, but he looked at me when he said it...) and he isn't spitting up nearly as much as before. He sure can fill a diaper, and so DeAndra's pretty proud about that.
I guess our biggest news is that Dr. Orie skillfully removed by sebaceous cyst that had taken hold on my scalp. Not to go into to much detail, but he had to remove a large chunk of skin and then dig out he little pesky guy. It was pretty cool. He did it straight up, no anethesia and he used a GI Joe utensil set to dig it out and then an old shoe lace to sew it up. But now it looks great, and to sew it back up he had to pull it all tight, and so I got a bonus face lift for my troubles. I was going to put some pictures of my surgery up on the blog, but DeAndra said only people with AARP cards (she said old people, but I didn't want to offend anyone) are allowed to go that far when talking about their medical procedures.


  1. I love the abs!

    Jen LaTurner

  2. we miss him. whitni and I sat and watched the videos... a lot :) we miss you guys! and I taught tanner how to say "baby rock" when he saw a picture of him.

  3. he continues to be the cutest baby around! He's growing up too fast!

  4. Wow, I never knew Rock had such chiseled abs. Are you guys feeding him nonfat milk??

  5. yup, nonfat milk with some protein mixed in, along with creatine and gakic to make sure he can really kronk those muscles to the max. It was DeA's idea, I just went with it.
