Thursday, February 26, 2009

SportsCenter Breaking News!!!

SportsCenter spent most of the day following an important developing story today.
What was the important story? Some golfer dude heard that Rock had this cool new clubhouse and he was hoping for a chance to chill after the tourney today.
"Dude Rock, you think I can hang today?"
"Sure random stranger! Come on in!! You have money so you can't be creepy!"
"The first rule of Rock's Ball Pit of Awesomeness is no 'watering' the ball pit."
"Second rule of ball pit: No fertilizing the balls either"
"You know what? Maybe you aren't ready to head straight into the ball pit. Let me show you around a bit first. This is the putting green. You can use balls from the ball pit, but remember that the balls are the same size as the hole. I'll let you do the math on how that will effect your score"

"Here, let me show you the other entrance into the Pit. You can see the ball right there, so I guess you can just push through this mesh, right?"
"What the deuce? I can see the balls right there! Why can't I get in? Piece of crumb cake!"
"Alright, I think you are ready to live, breath and love the pit. Remember the rules, remember to tip your waiter and only write on the bathroom wall if it is something original and funny."

"The staff and crew at the Pit is great too!"

"Oh, and no screaming like this:"


In other news, Rock has a new recliner. It is nice for him to take a load off (his diaper) and kick his feet up.
Another great perk of having Grandma around is you get fed everything!!

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