Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ha! Proved You Wrong!!

So, many people take cheap shots at my mechanical skills. I honestly don't know where this comes from, since I have been known to change my own oil, replace brake switches and fix a tail light that my dear, sweet fiance 'bumped' against another car. Well, lately our good ol' Briggs and Stratton was acting up and wasn't running smooth. DeAndra pretty much dismissed the thought that I could fix it. She even wondered if we should just get a new one. Oh yeah? Guess who mowed the lawn tonight with his B&S running as smooth and powerful as can be...that's right, me! Yeah, I fixed it. Alone. Take that!


  1. I don't think anyone has ever questioned your ability when it comes to B&S!!!! Pa

  2. Aaron, someone backed into me in the parking lot at Colonial House.

  3. Good for you Aaron. Real proud of you.
