According to the precipitous drop on the web counter, most of Rock's following must be adrift in the North Pacific. But no worries, we will update the blog for those still at home. DeAndra does a good job making sure that Rock gets three hot meals a day, but there is a problem: DeA has told him that his food is hot so many times that he won't eat anything without saying 'hot' and blowing on it. Don't believe me? Here's the proof:
We took Rock to get some pictures taken the other day, and now he thinks that he has to pose for everything. He calls this look "Angry Chipmunk".
We took Rock to get some pictures taken the other day, and now he thinks that he has to pose for everything. He calls this look "Angry Chipmunk".
That is so funny! Jordan does the same thing. EVERYTHING (including ice cream) is HOT! And we all have to blow on it. Kids!! Where are you guys moving to, WA or OR? _Audra