Friday, October 30, 2009


I think we can all agree that one of the worst ways to start a day is to get out of the shower and realize that you forgot your clothes. DeA experienced that today, and Rock didn't want her to feel silly waking across the house to get her clothes. He's a good boy so he set the precedent for her.
Rock has been receiving many compliments on his new forehead accessory, and he's tried to make phone time for everybody that calls (so far that's been Grampy Dale, but he's sure that there will be more)
Rock yaking
Rock felt that Mommy needed comforting when he noticed that she was crying at the end of Disney's "Snow Dogs", so he chilled peacefully on her lap all morning.
Rock Kickin' it
In the afternoon Rock wanted to help clean around the house, but it was too clean so he had to make a mess first.

Whew...a busy day like that will tucker out anybody. Rock crashed hard while cuddling with Mommy.

Sleeping Rock


  1. Here the kid thought that westward move would be all roses. Guess he didn't realize there would be thorns with them.

  2. I love the crossed legs! Have him come mess up my house. It needs a little noise.
