Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bampa Dave & Other Visitors!!

Rock was pleasantly surprised to look out his front window and see a big trucked parked outside. He was even more excited when Bampa Dave got out!! He ran out to meet him in just his diaper and shoes, his official welcoming uniform. Bampa wanted some picks with the boys, but Rock was a big fan of being second fiddle.
He did his best to put on a happy face, but you can see the jealousy raging inside.
Rock finally laid down the law and separated Bampa and Ryker, that made things better.
Rock was so happy to run around, he hardly had time to stop for a picture.
After Bampa left, lil' Ryker chilled on the couch and enjoyed himself some classic BYU football games that Dad has on the DVR. He likes to get into his best hitting position and pretend that he's the one laying the wood to the other players.
This is pretty much what it looks like in his head.
"Whoa...did you see that hit? Maybe I'm not ready for the field yet."
"Yeah, I'll just settle in here and suck my thumb a little longer, gaining strength.
We had a rare moment where almost everyone was clean, so we took some pictures of DeA with the boys.
Rock is happy, because Ryker isn't between he and Mommy.
Mama Rae, Bonnie, Rissa and Whit showed up for their Carrie Underwood concert, and rock was so excited that he took off running. Unfortunately, he wasn't wearing his PF Flyers and biffed it on the tile floor. He has a pretty awesome goose egg on his forehead now.
Ryker secretly laughed inside, and not so secretly outside.


  1. I love mom's helicopter quilt for Ryker! Wish I was a part of the Underwood concert.

  2. It looks like Ryker is pushing Rock's buttons in some of the pix. Rock will have to step it up to keep ahead of him.

  3. Your boys are adorable! Its great that you guys live close by! We would love love love to get together with you guys!

  4. "Ryker happy! Ryker happy!" ha ha ha
