Friday, January 4, 2008


So I'm not getting talked to right now, so I thought I would write in the blog. I did something wrong, but I'm not sure what it was. It started last night at the birthing class, about the time they showed a video. It was another pretty graphic, not shy birthing video with lots of fluids and other "stuff". DeAndra part way through turned to me and sheepishly asked if I though the laboring women were attractive. I said of course not, and kissed her on the head. Then I said "That's not a really attractive angle for anybody".
Anyway, she's been a little miffed at me since then and I'm still not sure what I did. The class went well, and Rock is moving and kicking all over. We were planning on...Wait a minute. when I said that's not an attractive angle, she thought I meant....oh boy gotta go


  1. Hahaha! I love to picture all these stories... :)

  2. For punishment, Aaron should have to go see 5 live births before Rock's birth and exclaim at every birth, "WOW! WHAT AN ATTRACTIVE ANGLE!!!" But somehow not look at the woman's unmentionable areas so that DeAndra doesn't get jealous and punch him.
