Saturday, January 19, 2008

YEAH!! More Belly Picks!!

Althought, at this point I'm more than ready to take pictures of a little baby. No offense to my sweet woman, but she's been less than comfortable lately. Putting on her shoes is hard for her (but pretty funny for those around her) and with every movement grunting sounds come out of that I've never heard before. But she's lookin' fetchin' awesome!! Probably the cutest pregnant woman that I've ever seen. But still...little Rock, if you are reading this you can come out whenever you want!!

On a personal note, I heard three words today that I wasn't prepared to hear. I don't think any married man is ever prepared to hear them, even though he wonders what it would be like. After a little dialog about a church assignment, I made a point. DeAndra at first didn't believe me, and so she called her mom. Her mom, without knowing, proved my point. So DeAndra came up to me and said those sweet three words: "You were right". It was a moment that I will always remember. Always.


  1. hey aaron, you are to funny, we enjoy your humor but don't let it go to your head!!!!dave

  2. LUCKY! I swear Emily knows I'm right every time but will NEVER admit it! I think she's just to stubborn to see reason. But maybe if she was 9 months pregnant again....

  3. You crack me up Aaron.

    You guys need to find a random trampoline and get to jumping so you can get that baby outta there and show the world what he looks like.

  4. It's looks like it won't be long! We'll be thinking of you and hoping that things go well.

  5. Dear baby Rock, I am with your daddy and would like to see you. But you come when you are ready and make it easy on your mommy. Love ya, Grammy Rae
