Monday, February 25, 2008

Baby Rock!!!

The little guy is doing so well. He's growing and gaining personality all the time. Everytime we think he's moving right along, he does something to remind us that he's still a baby. Like in this first pic, we asked him how old he is and as you can see he said three weeks. Silly guy, he's only two and half weeks old. Babies can be so wrong sometimes.
This is our latest attempt at capturing a smile. DeAndra thought it was him smiling, I thought it was a bowel movement. Unfortunately I was right, but he looks cute anyways.

And we finally caught a real smile! Woohoo for us!!


  1. I'ma thinkin that Rock needs a 20 pounds of ribs from memphis as a birthday gift, whadda think aaron?

  2. Hey um.....why does Rock already look stronger then his Dad? Poor little kid, you start to feel sorrow for some kids when you see the horrible conditions that they are going to grow up in. We can only hope that he turns out alright in spite of it all
