Friday, February 8, 2008

More Belly Picks!!!

But not of DeAndra. When I tried to take pictures of her belly, she tried to kill me. But lucky for me she is so tired from labor that she could barely tighten her fingers around my neck.

Rock is here!! Bradley Rock England 7 lbs 8 oz 20.5 inches 4.35 40-yard dash 395 bench 675 squat 9.8 100-meters

We are pretty excited! DeAndra is doing great and in good spirits.

The poor guy lodged into her pelvis a little funny, and that kept him from dropping during contractions. When they pulled him out, he looked like he had an alien head. But luckily his head is rounding out. Good for him, the kid is going to have a hard enough time in life being my son, he doesn't need a freakish head.

He's freakin' adorable!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited for you! I was super thrilled when Jeff came home yesterday and said that DeAndra was in labor! I sure thought of you guys the whole day and night and this morning when I woke up. I was praying for you all. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited when Jeff called me this morning at 8:20 to quickly tell me that you had your baby this morning! Bradley Rock is super cute. I love his blond hair, and you both are already the loving, kind, awesome parents that I knew you would be! Lily is also excited that her friend has arrived! She is standing up smiling big in her pack n play right now shouting for joy! Know that I love you guys and we are proud of you for making it through the great long labor and delivery! I can't tell you how happy I am for you. Inside I am just jumping for joy for y'all! Thanks for being awesome friends and PLEASE let us know how we can help you! CONGRATULATIONS MOM AND DAD ENGLAND! Rock, you are one lucky guy to have such fabulous parents! We are glad you have made your entry into the world. We know you will do amazing work while you are here! I love the the way you titled and posted the blog! I am impressed how quickly you got it posted! We love you guys! CONGRATULATIONS! We can't wait to meet your son!

  2. Congratulations! I love the picture of Aaron holdin him. The look on the baby's face is like, "I waited 9 months for THIS?!" Hope that things go smoothly as you adjust to life as a family.

  3. He is Freakin cute and his head looks like Tyler's did when he was born!

    We're so excited for you, we've been checking the blog daily for a belly shot without the baby.

    We can't wait to see him.

    Love you guys

    Steve and Kelli

  4. We have another nephew!!! (It feels like anyway!) B. Rock is SOOOO cute!!!! (Though I'm a little concerned because he looks NOTHING like the one that was walking across the timer on the blog...what happened!?) Much congratulations to the both of you,(especially DeAndra who survived labor! I can't wait to hear about it at some point.) You guys are going to be SUPER parents. We love you guys and can't wait to see more pics of baby Rock!!! XOXOXO

  5. Woohoooo! I am so excited to see Rock! Congrats you guys...let us know if you need anything at all. I'm glad you made it through D. Welcome to motherhood. You're going to be the dad Rock's friends think is cool, Aaron. Have fun and take lots and lots of pics.

  6. Congratualtions new Mom and Dad!!! He is absolutely adorable!!!! We can't wait to meet him and 'ooohhh and ahhhh' over him. And of course I want to hear how labor and all that fun stuff was. Congrats!!!
