Monday, March 17, 2008

New Camera!!

DeAndra has grown increasingly worried that Rock's cuteness is being wasted on me and my six year-old camera. So, after talking about it for a while, we finally went camera shopping and picked out a new camera! So, for your blogging pleasure we will add a plethora of brand new sharp pictures and better videos! And, thanks to a special technology from 1937, we will start to have videos with added sound! I think that I will call them "talkies" and hopefully it doesn't overwhelm everyone to have moving images and sound! The other big news is that DeAndra and Rock made it through my National Board exams. Poor little things, it was a tough ordeal for them to survive. When DeAndra picked me up after my last test she said "Next year for boards it will be much better since we will be in Oregon or Washington". This was news to me, since I didn't know that we were planning a trip out west next spring. Then she informed me that 'we' aren't taking a trip out west, but 'we' as in she and Rock are going west for a week while I do Boards next year. Glad I won't be a burden on them...

Can you guess why he is so red? He"s making a present for mommy!

Our first movie will be a little artistic piece I like to call "The Epic Making of a Baby Fart".
This second I call "Why Did You Stop Smiling As Soon as I Started Taping?"


  1. oh my gosh i cant wait to see him!!! i'm pretty sure i have the cutest nephew ever...thank you for the's less than a month til i can see him! yay! but i'm a little disappointed that the title didnt have rock in it.. :( oh well, keep it up..i miss you guys!

  2. I just wanted to thank you for that Comedy Central video. It made my morning.
