Friday, March 28, 2008


Today is Rock's seventh birthday!! He really wanted to go to the zoo for his birthday, so he and Connor (who was having his fourth birthday also!) loaded us up in the car and made us take them to the Niabi Zoo. Here's a picture of the little guys being overjoyed by the sight of the emus. The emus were located in this little "Aussie Walk" where you got to walk on a path through the habitat that they share with the wallabies. DeAndra was dying to get to see the wallabies. "If I don't get to see the wallabies then somebody will die!" is what she kept on saying. Well, we start walking through the habitat, and there is this cute little wallaby sitting there looking up at us. She pulled out the camera to take a picture, and the little guy took off out of the water and went hopping away. Well, it scared the bejeeberz out of DeAndra, who almost peed her pants and then tried to use the baby stroller (with Rock still strapped in it) as a shield. Then this friendly emu tried to say hello to her, and she made sure to keep her baby in position to be used as a human shield.
We finally escaped from the 'terrifying' little wallabies and 'filthy emus' and went to the primate section. We found a new babysitter for Rock! He seems nice enough, but doesn't like people talking back to him. Not even me.

And then Rock got to pose with his new little friend. We call him Simba. It's an original name, we didn't copy it from anything so stop trying to think if you've heard it before.

Here's some picture from Rocks recent adventure as a free range baby. DeAndra put him on the bed for a little bit to enjoy going 'commando'. Then I got into bed later and couldn't figure out why my feet were moist and warm. DeAndra claimed that she couldn't think of any reason that would be. I guess it's just one of those little mysteries of having children.

After his long day of going to the zoo and getting ready for his blessing day on Sunday, Rock still takes time to sit back and watch the Mariner's game in his underwear. He's still working on his scratching, but his burping and 'wind breaking' are coming along great.
And finally, here is a video of Rock laughing. Precious.


  1. Hey, good news for you and Rock, the Mariners have been picked by ESPN to finish first in their division. I'm pretty sure whatever they say has to come true!

  2. I love it ALL! (Especially the high pitched squeaks from DeAndra which rest assured, we also use with our tiger kitty :)

  3. Cutest string of pictures ever! Bradly is a doll!
