Wednesday, March 5, 2008


It's been a little traumatic here at the homestead. I've started school again, which means that I'm gone from the house from 7 until around 4. That's lots of pooping, spitting and feeding that I get to make up for when I get home. I think that Rock tries to make up for it when I get home, but DeAndra argues that he doesn't do anything different with me around. I think we all know that he is trying to impress his old man. In some of these pictures you'll notice that he is mittens. The story behind those is that he is honing his super lethal ninja moves lately, and DeAndra thinks that he is to dangerous if allowed to use his whole hand and fingers, so she puts the mittens on him. We will sure be in trouble once he learns how to take those mittens come off and he can uleash his tiny fists of furry.


  1. DeAndra are you surviving? Hope you have been able to get out a little, glad to see you at Enrichment. (Have to give props to Aaron for watching Rock all by himself!) Your little guy is so cute...he definitely "rocks" it.

  2. Those "mittens" look a lot like plain old socks...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. They are special ninja sock mittens.
